Our University Recognized as Outstanding Site for National Survey of Science and Technology Professi

2024-04-23 20:50:09来源:[!--source--]作者:摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:108

  Recently, China Association for Science and Technology Innovation Strategy Research Institute released a notification for the outstanding sites and excellent regional responsible departments for the 2023 national survey of science and technology professionals.

  In this notification, Guangxi City Vocational University, our university, was honored as an "Outstanding Survey Site" for the national survey of science and technology professionals. At the same time, our university's survey site has beenrecommended for "Excellent Information Officer" and "Excellent Investigator" qualifications.

  The purpose of this selection is to commend outstanding sites and departments in the survey of science and technology professionals, further promoting the in-depth development of the national survey of science and technology professionals, and enhancing the accuracy and scientific nature of the survey data. Since its establishment, our university's survey site has been actively involved in the research work of science and technology professionals, providing valuable reference information to relevant departments through precise data collection and in-depth analysis.

  In the survey work, our university's survey site has fully utilized the advantages of academic disciplines and talent resources, combined with the actual situation, and designed a series of scientifically reasonable survey questionnaires and interview questions, ensuring the objectivity and comprehensiveness of the survey results. At the same time, the site has actively utilized modern information technology methods to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the survey work, making positive contributions to the development of the survey work of science and technology professionals.

  The qualification for "Excellent Information Officer" and "Excellent Investigator" is a recognition of the hard work and professional abilities of our university's faculty, students, and researchers. Seizing this opportunity, ouruniversity will continue to strengthen the survey work of science and technology professionals, constantly improving the quality and level of the survey work, and making greater contributions to the advancement and progress of science and technology.

  The attainment of this honor not only acknowledges the work of Guangxi City Vocational University's survey site for science and technology professionals but also affirms the overall scientific research strength and social service capability of ouruniversity. In the future, ouruniversity will continue to leverage ourown advantages, strengthen communication and contact with science and technology professionals, and contribute more wisdom and strength to the promotion of scientific innovation and talent cultivation.

  Author:Xu Kaihua, He Xiaoting

  Translation:Huang Xiuyue

  First Proofreading:Chen Danping

  SecondProofreading:Chen Danping

  Final Review:Li Xiujin