Education Ministry's Deputy Minister Wu Yan Visited Our University

2024-05-16 12:09:40来源:[!--source--]作者:摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:64

  On April 17th, a delegation led by Wu Yan, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, visited Guangxi City Vocational University for an on-site investigation and research. Accompanying the delegation were Peng Binbai, Director of the Vocational Education and Adult Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Wu Shixing, Deputy Director of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, and other leaders. Liu Youyi, Director of the Education Department of the Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region, Huang Xiongbiao, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Education Department of the Autonomous Region, Huang Qinmei, Deputy Mayor of Chongzuo City, and university leaders accompanied the research.

  During the visit, Wu Yan and the delegation visited the Collegeof Business, the Collegeof Automotive Engineering, and the Collegeof Intelligent Engineering, gaining detailed insights into ouruniversity's innovative practices in talent cultivation, practical teaching, and university-enterprise cooperation.

  Education Ministry's Deputy Minister Wu Yan investigated the Digital Intelligence Entrepreneurship Training Centre of the College of Business

  Education Ministry's Deputy Minister Wu Yan exchanged with Zheng Zhiming, a great master craftsman.

  Throughout the investigation, Wu Yan engaged in in-depth discussions with officials from the Autonomous Region's Education Department, municipal government, and the university. He emphasized that "master craftsmen" are vital assets to the nation. Universities should not only impart exquisite skills to students but also inherit the spirit of craftsmanship, ensuring that vocational education not only imparts skills but also instills a sense of craftsmanship, fostering students with passion and genuine love for their professions. Efforts should be made to align with the national strategic layout and the practical needs of local industrial development, striving to improve the quality of education, innovate undergraduate vocational education talent training models, optimize program offerings, and cultivate more high-quality skilled talents and master craftsmen, providing skill support for the economic and social development of border areas.Furthermore, efforts should be made to actively build a "two-way flow" mechanism for the exchange of talents between vocational universities and enterprises, vigorously promote university-enterprise collaboration, mutual appointments, deepen industry-education integration, and achieve win-win cooperation between universities and enterprises. Seizing the opportunity to establish an open and cooperative innovation hub for vocational education towards ASEAN, efforts should focus on enhancing the key capabilities of vocational education institutions, improving the level of openness and cooperation, promoting educational cooperation with ASEAN countries, and better serving the construction of the China-ASEAN community with a shared future.

  Author:Kang Yuping

  Translation:Liu Haiqing

  First Proofreading:Liu Haiqing

  SecondProofreading:Chen Danping

  Final Review:Li Xiujin